About Me

Hey there folks. The reason I set up this blog is because I have so much drama in my life, I thought if I maybe write it down, it might take a load off, so here goes...............

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

That feeling you get when you do a good deed is so powerful it almost knocks you over. The andrenalin pumps this electricity all over your body and you find that you are smiling without even trying.

My favourite good deed? When I was ten years old....

My mother had taken me to the doctor because I was not feeling great. It was down in Johns Square, just behind Cross's Funeral home, in my hometown. It was very grey down there, the walls of the buildings - even the church was a cold grey colour. It reminds me of a scene from Angelas Ashes - without the rain.

Anyway, as per my first post, we had hardly any money growing up. The term "pocket money" was just that...a term, a phrase that never came into fruition.

We met an old friend of my grandmother's at the doctors surgery and she gave me two 50p pieces. I dont know why she did but of course, I said thank you and smiled as I felt like I was rich!

We were at the door of the surgery and my mother was still chatting away so i was playing hop scotch to myself on the payment. I was jumping about when I noticed a little boy who was around the same age as me. He had a little girl in a shopping trolley, she seemed to be about 3 years old. Her face was all red from the cold and what a looked like a raspberry sweet of some sort. They were both freezing, I remember that. That sticks in my mind because I always feel cold when I think about their poor little red faces with runny noses.

The little boy and I seemed to just stop and stare at each other. I wasnt in his way or anything and it didnt feel uncomfortable at all.

I put my hand into my pocket and I took out the 2 x 50p that I had been given and I gave them to the little boy. He took them and he never said a word. He never smiled but his eyes lit up when he saw what I was giving him and that was enough for me.

They carried on and I went back to my mother.

We headed back into town to get the bus home and my mother said I could buy sweets if I wanted too and I told her that I gave the money to the poor boy and girl cos they were very cold. My mother squeezed my hand and took me to Burgerland for a treat - spending money she didnt have. So, not only did my good deed make me happy, it also made my mother happy - which I cherished the most that day

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