About Me

Hey there folks. The reason I set up this blog is because I have so much drama in my life, I thought if I maybe write it down, it might take a load off, so here goes...............

Thursday 29 October 2009

Justice at Last......


Thats what I felt last Saturday. I felt like I had just won the lotto as I can only assume that is the feeling you get. Only I didnt win the lottery. I got something even better.

A phonecall.

A phonecall to tell me that "The Monster" was in jail and charged. I have been waiting for that call for 13 years and had been praying for it for another ten on top of that.

Even though once again I am an emotional wreck, I know that this time, I will get through it by myself (without the Pros) because I now know that finally, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. That he will now feel the humiliation, pain, hurt and most importantly, the fear that he inaugurated in me for most of my young life.

However, this is not just about me, this is about everyone who has ever had to deal with him. The people he bullied, controlled, possessed and ultimately tried to destroy will now be able to breathe a huge sigh of relief that the thorn in their side has finally been removed. They will also experience a feeling of euphoria, however, I am going to be selfish and say they will not get that "winning the lotto" feel it as much as I and two others will.

Justice is a word I have never use as I didnt really understand it - until now that is.

And for the people that didnt believe us. We dont hate you, we hate the fact that you didnt give us the chance to explain our side of the story. You judged us without listening and that was not fair on any of us. You chose to take his side and because you did that, we will NEVER associate ourselves with you again. Ever. It makes you as guilty as him.

So roll on 2010....as it will truly be the first happy year of my life and the end to of the worst year for two little angels

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